Women of the Metaverse, Q&A: Back to basics

In this episode, we have taken you back to basics and answered some of your questions that have been posted across our channels.

Wisher Vodka – https://wishervodka.com/
Gucci Town – https://vault.gucci.com/en-GB/story/metaverse
Louis Vuitton – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/louis-the-game/id1574401807
Dencentraland – https://decentraland.org/
Fortnite – https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/home
Roblox – https://www.roblox.com/
Sandbox – https://www.sandbox.game/en/
Horizon Workrooms – https://www.oculus.com/workrooms/
Horizon Venues – https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/3002729676463989/?locale=en_GB
Occulus – Buy Quest 2 Headset (Affiliate link) https://www.oculus.com/referrals/link/londonwebgirl/
Veefriends – https://veefriends.com/

Gary Vaynerchuk – https://twitter.com/garyvee

Nifty World – https://www.youtube.com/c/NIFTYWORLDNFT/videos

We hope you enjoyed the show and it help you to understand this digital universe at a deeper level.

If you have any questions, comments and/or want to become part of our community join us on our Facebook group and/or on Discord.

Or visit us here:
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvBOeXPJ8z0zGdHul1JwFxQ

This podcast is for entertainment and education purposes only. We do not give any investment or financial advice and we strongly recommend you always DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

Episode Transcription


Welcome to women of the Metaverse. I am Cheryl


Hello. I am Angela Harkness. We have been, and are still on a journey to discover the Metaverse Web 3.0 NFTs and anything that we are required to know to join this world


From this podcast, we will help you to unlock how the Metaverse is going to impact your brand.

Your business and even your personal life,


join us as we take the mystery out of this new digital universe.

Welcome to women of the Metaverse. In this episode, we are going to go back to basics on the subjects we have covered so far and answer some of your questions.


So first up, Angela, if you were to go back to when we did our very first episode on what is the Metaverse, how would you now explain what the Metaverse is?


Okay. I would explain it differently from how I would explain how we explained it in that episode. I would now explain it as the 3d version of the 2d version we already have. Instead of looking at a flat screen to buy products from a shop, you will pop on a pair of VR glasses and feel as if you are in the. So, for example, when Cheryl and I are in horizon workroom, it actually does feel like I’m sitting next to her.

Like I could reach out and touch her. I,


yeah, absolutely. I really do feel like you’re sitting next


to me. Yeah. So the whole experience will be, it just will be more real world. You could go into a, uh, furniture shop and actually see what a piece of furniture looks like up close. How big it actually is.

What the material looks like, what the colours look like. So that’s really what it is. Is that the 3d version, from the flat screen that you currently look at, that’s how I would now explain it. The ultimate




Yes, exactly. Okay. Cheryl, your turn does the Metaverses already exist?


So the answer to that question is yes and no.

Individual companies have created three-dimensional virtual platforms, such as decentral land the sandbox. And the other side, the idea for the Metaverse is for the platforms to be connected so that you can go from one to the other in the same way that you can go from a link on a website. Say from your blog to YouTube and then onto LinkedIn, for example.

So we are not quite there yet, but we are hoping that we’ll be able to switch between Metaverses swiftly.


Yeah. You’ll hear the very technical term of interoperability. Technical people will say that, but if you speak to people these days, they would still say I’m in the Metaverse. She and I, when we do our show, In horizon work rooms would say, we’re doing our show in the Metaverse.

So, you know, there’s, there’s a lot still, it’s very new and the development and the evolution of it will be, oh God, decades, decades.


Absolutely. But yeah, I would say the beginnings are there. We’re there. Definitely, it’s


good enough.


definitely next question, Angela, what can I do in the


metaphor? There is such a huge amount already.

You can have a meeting as you will see Cheryl and I have done in horizon work rooms. And if you haven’t go and check out our YouTube channel, cuz you can see some of the stuff that we’ve done in there, you can attend events. And we’ve talked about this a lot. So we’ve mentioned wish of vodka and their, um, parties, their cocktail parties, they have every week.

And then obviously there’s meta fashion week, which I think there’s another one coming up because. Winter. Yeah. Is it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so lots and lots of different events happen all the time. In horizon venues, you can go to all sorts of things. You can exercise in meta, you can meditate, you can even work and earn money.

So you could be a meta host. There was someone that did a video saying that they work in Subway, lying on their bed, earning however much an hour making sandwiches. People buy and sell properties. So real estate agents work in the Metro first and you can shop many brands have used gamification and community to draw in people.

So brands such as Gucci, Louis, Baton, and Timbaland. So what you can do, just keep getting added to and added to all the time. It’s amazing who owns the me, Cheryl, this question for you. So


Facebook rebranded as. That strategic rebrand demonstrated Meta’s determination to lead the way for other Metaverse companies, but meta does not own, uh, the Metaverse at the moment, various companies have a slice of the pie, and it’s only a matter of time before many companies enter that space, but Facebook I’ve done a fantastic job of their rebrand in order.

Trick or, you know, yes. Make people think that, uh, meta is actually the metaphor. So yeah, whether


branding, but it’s a bit like, you know, nobody owns the internet. Yeah. It is just a space where you can jump from one thing to other. And that was exactly what, um, shell was talking about in terms of, you know, what the Metaverse should.

You know, being able to go from one thing to the other, which you can’t at the moment, but yeah, I think there’s lots of corporations that will come out and try and own it, or be the bigger players like Facebook became with social media, but there’s no one ownership. There’s many companies working on it.



there. Well met is first and. At the moment, mark, Zuckerberg’s getting a lot of stick for their animated avatars and that it’s just not realistic enough. And, um, but Andrew and I think it’s great. yeah, we’re having a great time in her. We


love it.


We love it. So there you go. Anyway, number five to you, Angela, how do you get into the meta.


The VR headsets are the most popular way to live the real world experience, both Sharon and I have Oculus, but you can just go to decentral land and sandbox via their websites. Or most people will go in through gaming consoles and play games like Roblox and fortnight. But again, this is another thing that over time, you know, like we said, Gerald and I have got the O.

They’re not the best. They’re very uncomfortable, but they’re brand new again. So over a period of time, the evolution will just be, you’re just popping a pair of glasses and. It will get better and better. The technology will just improve, improve, and improve. So at the moment, those are the ways that you can currently get into the Metaverse over time.


We’ll be looking back at those big Oculus goggles. We’ll be laughing at the moment. Me.


Yeah, don’t get rid of your packaging and everything. Save them because think I’m ditched mine already. have you. No, I still got mine, but they probably in 20 years, time will be worth a fortune people. Will you. The next couple of generations of children will look at those and just laugh because they literally will be putting on a pair of thin glasses and that will do everything.

A contact lens. Yeah, it will be interesting. I was thinking about this the other day, how. Mobile phones and the Metaverse will play out whether we would have mobile phones even, will we need them or will the that’s gonna be


really interesting cuz they say that will be a thing of the


past. Yeah. So that’s an interesting one.

Isn’t it. Okay for you, Cheryl? How do brands get into the Metaverse?


So most people when answering this question would say gaming is a great way of getting into the metaphors, but you need to have a lot of money to invest in a gaming platform like Roblox, Roblox generated 1.9 billion in revenue in 2021.

Those numbers. Oh no, right. That’s 807% increase year on year. It has doubled its revenue for the past two years. And lots of brands are literally setting up shop there as we speak. But if you haven’t got thousands of pounds to get going in the roadblocks, then you can start with digital wearables or items in the metaphor.

Digital wearable NFTs are used for accessorizing avatars and other element. And this can be put together at a very affordable


price. I think it’s gonna just get easier and easier for small brands, small businesses, just to start to get into the Metaverse isn’t it? Absolutely.


I keep telling, um, all my young sort of techy, uh, well, not friends, but you know, people that are interested.

Well to get into 3d modeling yes. And start making cuz the step by step on how to create a wearable into central land is, well, it would be very, very easy to do if you knew the programs to do it. Well,


look at, look at, um, companies like the Fabricant who have done that partnership with, um, women, world of women.

What they’ve created is. Phenomenal. Amazing. It incredible. So there’s so much you can do. So I don’t think, I think the way in which you’re VA advancing, it’s not gonna be for the big players. Small players will really start to be able to get involved and, you know, and anybody, you know, whatever you do will be able to go in soon and sell stuff and yeah, you can do it tomorrow.

yeah, exactly.


Okay, next question number seven. What does decentralized mean?


Angela decentralized means that there is no centralized authority like a government. The whole concept is that blockchain, which records every transaction you make and is open to everyone along with the smart contracts that are attached means that there’s no need for any authority.

And it really came out of the original white paper for Bitcoin. But I think that’s a little bit of a Nirvana, because I think that big companies and governments will wanna start to regulate or start to get involved. So only time will tell with this one, with this whole idol idealized.


Yeah. When I was at social media market world in, um, February, they really didn’t want meta to lead the way Metaverse they were quite, um, Open in their views that Facebook shouldn’t really be the forefront, but unfortunately they are.

So, yeah. I don’t see how they can stop. I think the people bigger companies.


Yeah. I think the people developing it want this decentralized Nirvana, but I think definitely governments will wanna start to regulate the cryptocurrencies. So we’ll see. But that’s basically what we watch this space. Watch this space.

Yes, indeed. Okay. For you. What makes an NFT valuable?


This is a great question because I feel that it’s the same question as what I used to get when people used to ask what makes a to go viral,


good point. Yeah. And


as much as we can say, you know, it’s the looking the look at the NFT, if it’s an art collectible piece, but.

Again, it’s about the smart contract attached to it. What is the community like? Are they creating one NFT? Are they gonna create 10,000 NFTs where you can be part of this community? And they’re gonna give you a membership and they’re gonna have a gala dinner every year and everything, um, saving the planet and saving.

God knows what else? I mean, there’s lots of values attached to some of the projects, the NFT projects that are out there at the moment. So it’s about doing your research and finding a piece of art and a community that you want to support, but honestly you can create a picture of your big


toe. Yeah, you could.

You’re good. I think also at the moment, it’s, there’s a lot of collections that are coming. They’re not necessarily very original. There’s a lot looking like the boards, the copycat aren’t there. There’s lots of copycat. And also the smart contracts, even if the art is different, what people are offering is actually quite similar.

It’s all the same. Whereas if you go and do some research about Gary Vanna, track’s V friends, or listen to our episode on that, he’s done something a lot different with his OTs and he’s offering a lot different. So. It comes to, like Cheryl said, if you’ve got a big community, like he had, it was always gonna be a popular buy, but then on the back of it, he’s also offered something different where some people are being not very original.

So yeah. It the,




agree more. It’s so difficult to know which one’s gonna be the, the valuable ones. Isn’t it?


Absolutely. So next question, Angela. Number nine are NFTs for investment purposes


only. There are so many elements that can be creative on NFTs. And because of the smart contracts attached to them, you can do pretty much anything.

So a ticket to an event could be an NFT access to a membership club. We all have loyalty cards, they can become NFTs. There are so many different things. And I think even if you were to say to Cheryl and I, this is what I do as a business, how could I use NFTs? We would be able to tell you. The ideas are limitless, but I think what will happen over time is because when NFTs were first became part of something people were talking about, it was about the art.

There were very creative people, very good artists that got into the NFT world. Now they’ve become about this token and what you get with them. And I do think over time that the art will be the art and the actual functional NFT will be something else. But again, we’ll, we’ll just have to watch this space and see what happens next one for you.

Cheryl, can I create an NFT myself?


Okay. The best thing about this is that anyone can create an NFT. If you are creative, then even better. And if you’re not creative, Like Paul, Gary V . Yes. We talk about this a lot on the last episode. Yes. Um, you can still create an Ft. There are so many YouTube videos out there.

Step by step guides. And if you went to open sea, there’s also a step by step guide on how to create and upload your NFT for sale. So there there’s so much out there. If you are crazy, if you do wanna give it a go, then definitely do. Or like I said earlier, take a picture of your big toe and see if it sells.



whatever. And you don’t, it doesn’t even, even like Darrell said, you could say you could use your iPhone or whatever smartphone you’ve got, or you can use canvas, which is free. There are just. It doesn’t need to cost you anything. And it might be a good way to give it a go. Just do some random picture, prompt it on open sea and see if it sells because it’s just a great experience then for you to just see how the whole thing works.


I, I have been meaning to put something together, um, for a while, but I’m still. I’m yet to do it, but when I do, I will let you know. Yeah. And if you wants to buy a picture of a big, do know right. Next question. Um, how can I buy an


NFT? There are different ways. If you just wanna buy something cuz you like it, then you can go to sites like open sea and wearable.

Both these sites are used for either individual NFTs where someone will create a piece of art. Like she was just talked about and sell it. All people are selling their NFTs that they purchased from a collection and they are selling it secondhand. So open sea and wearable are used as secondhand market for collections.

When you go onto the sites, you will need to connect to wallet, and then you need to add some cryptocurrency. If you want to buy NFTs as an investment, then you need to start to do some research and look at on sites like RAR. Where they will show you some of the new collections that are coming out there is a great video by Beck’s perfect on her nifty world, YouTube channel, which I’ll put a link in the show notes, talking about how to research NFTs and which one to choose.

Also, Gary Chu, so much content. He’s done a ton of content where he talks about how to research NFD. If you then find a collection, you like, you can then request to be added to their white list and you will get an NFT firsthand, which is called minting, which we are gonna talk about soon on another episode.

So again, lots of different options for you with purchasing NFTs. Right? Next question for you, Cheryl, number 13 is land and NFT


in short. Yes. The way in which you purchase land is the same way you would purchase an NFT. So you can either go to the site in which you want to purchase the land. So for example, de land or the sandbox, or you can go to open sea and search for de land or the sandbox, and they will show you the same plots of land.


Yeah. Easy peas. Just like that you can spend


you can spend millions of pounds just like


that. Yes. On open, just like that on open sea . Okay. We hope you enjoyed this episode and it’s helped to answer your questions. Please keep them coming. And we can do more of these types of episodes in the future because we really, really wanna help you to learn and be confident and start to explore and to make the investments your.


Absolutely. And don’t forget to join our Facebook community. The link is in the show notes, and you can ask as many questions as you like. So we’ll see you next week for more insights into the Metaverse. Bye for now.



Thank you for listening to this episode of women of the Metaverse.


You can find all information links and people we talked about in the show notes on our website. If you have


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Join us again in the next episode, as we continue this exciting Metaverse journey.